Vitalik Buterin proposes the first block on Taiko mainnet, appreciates Ethereum-equivalent rollup

Quelle Fxstreet
  • Ethereum cofounder Vitalik Buterin proposed the first block on Taiko mainnet. 
  • Buterin appreciated the Layer 2’s rollup based approach to scale Ethereum. 
  • Taiko recently announced the eligibility for its TKO token airdrop. 

Vitalik Buterin proposed Ethereum-equivalent Layer 2 rollup Taiko’s first block on its mainnet. The Ethereum co-founder appreciated the project for launching as a based rollup and adopting a different approach than other Layer 2 chains. 

Ethereum benefits from scaling solutions adopting different approaches to the same challenge posed by the chain, slow transaction speed and throughput. 

Buterin proposes first block on Ethereum-equivalent Layer 2 rollup

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum supports projects that scale Ether, Layer 2 chains. Buterin supports Taiko, a blockchain that labels itself an Ethereum-equivalent rollup. The Ethereum co-founder acknowledges that Taiko has taken a different approach to tackle the scalability problem of the Ethereum blockchain. 

Buterin proposed the first block on the project’s mainnet and wrote on the block: I'm excited to see that Taiko is launching as a based rollup. Ethereum benefits from L2s taking a plurality of different approaches, and I appreciate them being among the first to go in this direction.

Layer 2 chains are focused on increasing transaction speed (for faster finality) and transaction throughput (higher number of transactions per second) without giving up on decentralization and security. 

Buterin appreciated Taiko for their innovative rollup based approach when most Layer 2 chains run parallel chains to reduce cost and transaction processing time. 

In an official tweet, Taiko recently announced the TKO token airdrop. 

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