Crypto community reacts as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to leverage blockchain for budget transparency

Quelle Fxstreet
  • US Presidential candidate RFK Jr. states plan to make the US budget transparent through blockchain technology.
  • Using blockchain for budget transparency could boost adoption massively.
  • RFK Jr. is also one of the first presidential candidates to accept donations in Bitcoin.

On Sunday, US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced plans to put the US budget on a blockchain network if elected. The statement, which came at a Michigan rally, has met mixed reactions from the wider crypto community.

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US budget could go live on blockchains

In a recent uproar on X (formerly Twitter), US citizens reacted with mixed feelings to presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jnr's plan to use blockchain for budget transparency.

RFK stated during his speech, "I'm gonna put the entire US budget on Blockchain. Every American can look at every budget item in the entire budget, anytime they want, 24-hours a day." He further said, "We're gonna have 300 million eyeballs on our budget, and if anyone is spending $16,000 for a toilet seat, everyone's gonna know about it."

Many users responded to this statement on X (formerly Twitter), saying that it is the best way to secure the country's transparency. Others shared that it is not feasible.

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Phil Anderson, a candidate for the US Senate in Wisconsin, posted:

"Budget on a Blockchain: that's the kind of transparency Americans deserve: I'm all for it!"

Another user posted:

"Can you explain, in simple terms, how "putting the entire US budget on blockchain" would "make the government better for the people?"

A crypto enthusiast also posted:

Another user posted:

"That's not what's needed and yet that would never happen."

The continuous mix of reactions among US citizens may linger as the solution offered by Kennedy Jr. may be instrumental in curbing the excessive spending from government budgets that goes unaccounted for.

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The move to add the US budget to a blockchain may help sensitize the public about blockchain's benefits. This could, in turn, boost the wide adoption of crypto solutions across the US.

RFK Jr.'s move to employ blockchain technology follows a series of pro-cryptocurrency moves he had made previously. For example, he's the first presidential candidate to accept donations in Bitcoin. He's also previously revealed that he purchased Bitcoin.

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