We expect a gradual, calibrated convergence in the CNY fixing back towards the spot rate, which closed at around 7.17, DBS FX & Credit Strategist Chang Wei Liang notes.
“USD/CNH has seemingly become a beta play to USD/JPY, rising towards 7.20 yesterday but now easing back towards 7.15 in concert with USD/JPY. This underscores the same speculative positioning forces at play in the offshore RMB as the JPY.”
“Meanwhile, the PBOC had raised its USD/CNY fixing marginally to the highest since November on Wednesday. The RMB mood has turned more positive even in the face of LPR and MLF rate cuts, and thus there is a lesser need for the fixing to anchor RMB stability than before.”
“We now expect a gradual, calibrated convergence in the CNY fixing back towards the spot rate, which closed at around 7.17.”