Bitcoin Cash could become a Cardano partnerchain as 66% of 11.3K voters say “Aye”

Quelle Fxstreet
  • Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson proposed integration of Bitcoin Cash into a Cardano Partnerchain.
  • 65% of 11,340 voters voted in favor of, to the contrary “No”, meaning “Ayes” have it, but this is pending confirmation.
  • Proof of Work Leios, NiPoPoWs, and Ergo tech could be used if partnership is implemented.

Bitcoin Cash is the current mania in the Cardano ecosystem following a proposal by the network’s executive inviting the public to vote on X (formerly Twitter), about a possible integration.

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Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson posted a proposal on X on Saturday, inviting the public to vote on whether to bring in Bitcoin Cash into a Cardano Partnerchain.

Based on the post, the integration would mean elements such as Proof of Work Leios, NiPoPoWs, and Ergo tech come into the fold. Based on the latest update, over 11,300 votes have been casted so far, with around 66% voting in favor.

Cardano Bitcoin Cash partnerchain votes

To the contrary, 34% of the voters do not support the proposal, with one responder saying it would be easier to leverage Ergo. Another, @matudavis, says, “Bitcoin Cash feels like we are reaching for something that is dying and very opposite of Cardano.”

Another interesting response from @Bryant_Austin_, reads, “I voted yes, but would love more to see this energy and support directed to Ergo smart contract platform.” Overall, many of those who are for the proposal say Ergo would make for a better integration. 

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