Mexican Peso shrugs off data and sentiment to trend higher

Quelle Fxstreet
  • The Mexican Peso continues its uptrend despite poor Mexican data and risk aversion. 
  • The wide interest-rate differential between Mexico and Western countries continues to favor the Peso in the carry trade. 
  • USD/MXN hits the conservative target for its range breakout. 

The Mexican Peso (MXN) seesaws between marginal gains and losses in its key pairs on Tuesday after shrugging off poor Retail Sales data from Mexico and hawkish commentary from Federal Reserve (Fed) speakers on Monday, and continuing to drift higher.  

The wide interest-rate differential between Mexico and most major economies – with relatively higher interest rates in Mexico (11.00%) providing an attractive draw for carry traders – is a key factor driving MXN’s uptrend, with little prospect of the gap closing anytime soon. 

USD/MXN is trading at 16.55, EUR/MXN at 17.98 and GBP/MXN at 21.05, at the time of writing. 

Mexican Peso shrugs off poor data 

The Mexican Peso trades relatively flat on Tuesday despite recent data showing a fall in Mexican Retail Sales on both a monthly and yearly basis. 

Whilst the data indicated the high interest rates imposed by the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) are probably having the desired effect of cooling the economy, Banxico has not signaled it is in a hurry to reduce interest rates yet. 

Indeed on Friday, the Deputy Governor of Banxico, Irene Espinosa, said she thought interest rates should remain at their current level until inflation had been brought down on a sustainable basis. 

Somber market mood caps Peso’s upside

The generally somber market mood on Tuesday is capping the Peso’s upside, however, as investors retreat from risk assets and commodities – MXN included – out of a fear high interest rates are here to stay. Asian stocks are down and Oil, metals and softs are following suit. 

The change in sentiment comes as a result of commentary from central bankers, in both the US and Australia, that suggests they are not only reluctant to cut interest rates in the near future but are even discussing raising them. 

In the US, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester said inflation risks were “tilted to the upside”, that the Fed could “even raise them (rates)” if inflation rose, and that it was “no longer appropriate” to expect the Fed to make three cuts this year. 

The minutes of the RBA May meeting, released on Tuesday morning, showed that the board of governors discussed the possibility of raising interest rates. It was the first time in many months they had discussed further policy tightening. 

Technical Analysis: USD/MXN hits first downside target

USD/MXN – or the number of Pesos that can be bought with one US Dollar – edges lower on Tuesday, continuing its overall bearish bias of recent weeks. 

USD/MXN 4-hour Chart 

USD/MXN is falling in a short-term downtrend within a descending channel that favors short bets over longs. 

The pair has now just reached its conservative price objective for the breakout of the mid-April to May range at 16.54. This is calculated as the 0.618 Fibonacci ratio of the range's height extrapolated lower. 

Further bearishness could still see USD/MXN reach 16.34, the more bearish target, calculated by taking the full height of the range and extrapolating it lower. 

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) momentum indicator is still oversold, which indicates traders should not add to their short positions. If the RSI exits oversold conditions and returns to neutral territory above 30, it would be a signal to close existing short positions as a correction is probably underway. Once the correction ends, however, the descending channel is expected to continue taking prices lower in line with the dominant downtrend. 

Given the medium and long-term trends are also bearish, the odds further favor more downside. 

Economic Indicator

Retail Sales (MoM)

The Retail Sales released by INEGI measures the total receipts of retail stores. Monthly percent changues reflect the rate of changes of such sales. Changes in retail sales are widely followed as an indicator of consumer spending. Generally speaking, a high reading is seen as positive or bullish for the Mexican peso, while a low reading is seen as negative or bearish.

Read more.

Last release: Mon May 20, 2024 12:00

Frequency: Monthly

Actual: -0.2%

Consensus: -

Previous: 0.4%



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